Uninvited (Uninvited #1) by Sophie Jordan


4 out of 5 stars

Seventeen-year-old Davy Hamilton has her entire future planned out, she and her boyfriend are moving to New York after high school graduation to attend prestigious colleges, she Juilliard and he NYU. Davy also has the greatest parents, the best friend and girl can ask for (her best friend asked  her if she (Davy) wanted her to bring back a watermelon smoothie for her, my best friend doesn't do that) and the hottest guy in school is her boyfriend (with whom she'll be going with to New York) Davy's life couldn't have been better. What finds though is that although her life couldn't get any better than it already is, it can definitely become a nightmare with just a visit.

Davy was tested positive for the Homicidal Tendency Syndrome or HTS. A kill gene was found in her body, a predisposition to extreme violence. But how can Davy, a seemingly normal, dedicated and skilled high school senior have this gene?

Usually, I'm very conscious when I read a first person POV book because of the fact it's a FIRST PERSON POV. I prefer first person over third person POV. However, that wasn't the case here, when I was reading this book, I didn't mind the POV at all. In fact, because it was well-written, I didn't even notice the POV until I picked up another book that was written in third person POV. I give props to Sophie Jordan for that. Also, I like how the author has these little paragraphs of either dialogues, snippets of lectures, or messages that give insight into what's going on, or what's going to happen without having to find that out from Davy's POV. For example, in chapter 17 a mass shooting takes place at a mall and stadium, but the readers knew that before Davy and her classmates were told because at the end of the previous chapter, there was an MMS group dialogue between the to-be mass murderers going over their plan. I like that, it's refreshing and different (the end of chapter snippets, not the shooting)

Jace from The Mortal Instruments series , Patch from the Hush, Hush series and Dmitry from the Vampire Academy series have finally met their match. Sean O'Rouke is the love interest in the story. He's mysterious, quite, handsome, and... a carrier. That's right he has HTS, just like Davy.  Throughout the book, Sean is a real help to Davy. Although they both come from very different families and circumstances, Sean is the only one who truly sticks to Davy's side and helps her out. He knows how difficult it is to have nobody to guide through this difficult time. Although, if I do say so myself, Davy takes everything (finding out she's HTS positive) pretty well. She doesn't laugh about it, but at least in comparison to me. If I were in the twisted world of the Uninvited and I were tested positive for some syndrome that labels me as killer, and all of my family and friends thought I was a monster, I would most likely also be diagnosed with depression. But Davy takes it all remarkably well.

I take things quite literally, and one things I don't like in the story is when Davy says she's been a piano (and basically ever other instrument) prodigy since she was three. I kind of find that hard to believe. Did she know how to play Chopin at the age of three, Bach at five? I don't think that's very probable. I mean, I admire Davy and her character, I thinks she's great, but c'mon, musical expert at the age of three? Doesn't float my boat. And speaking of character, although she doesn't need much of it, Davy's character develops throughout the story. She eventually accepts that she's a carrier and that if she wants to survive as this new person she is she has to be stronger, faster, more confident and can't seem weak in her predators' eyes. Very admirable.


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