Recommendations: If You Like This... Then Read This...

Hello! This week's recommendations segment is going to be a little different from the norm. Instead of recommending a book or a series based on another book or series, I'm going to recommend a series based on a genre. If you like the genre of Romance, then read The Bridal Quartet by Nora Robert

I've read the second book in this series, and before you ask me how I could read a series out of order and chew me up, let me explain myself. One of the good things about this series is that your read them out of proportion. You don't have to read them in any chronological order. The series follows four girlfriends and each book focuses on a friend and her romantic experiences. I picked up Bed of Roses at my college's library a couple of months ago, read a few pages and fell in love with it completely. Bed of Roses follows ​Emma, the wedding planner friend and her romances. Great read! I recommend you read this book and try the rest of the series!


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