This book destroyed me! It took me a while to process everything. Even now, I can't wrap my head around everything that's happened. Here's my much milder and later reaction to Lady Midnight: (I might've taken this picture like, a day after I actually finished the book).
So I've been putting off writing this review. If there was one thing I knew, it was that this review is going to be incredibly long, and I hadn't even processed everything yet. Mind you, I haven't even read the Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy yet. So I delved into this book ignorant of a few things, but I kind of figured them out, I think, as I went along.
This time I'm going through the order of events chronologically (mostly).
The prologue, oh the prologue. I was so lost. I didn't know who this Kit guy was. Was he a character from the Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy? Was he a new character being introduced the way Mia was introduced in City of Ashes? It was the latter, as I soon discovered. When he- along with his father, Johnny Rook- was said to have the Sight. I automatically figured out they were Shadowhunters. I mean, I knew some humans have the Sight, but I figured they have to be Shadowhunters, unless they wouldn't have been such significant characters, let alone have the prologue dedicated them (mostly Kit, really). I HAD ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA THAT THEY WERE HERONDALES THOUGH!!! I was so shocked by that little (or not so little as it seems) plot twist (not so little as it turns out) that I was left saying "Oh my god" for the next ten minutes. Apparently, not only is he a Herondale, he's the Lost Herondale from the Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy.
The characters of the Mortal Instruments series and Infernal Devices became recurring characters in this book. I enjoyed it the first few times they were mentioned because Cassie was connecting the two worlds together, but then after handful of other mentions of them being painted and things like that, I didn't like it and I think I know why: This is the Blackthorns' time to shine, this is their story and although I love Jace, Clary and the rest of the gang, I think bringing them in too many times is going to somewhat spoil the rest of the story. I mean, are there not other Shadowhunters closer to the Los Angeles Institute than the New Yorkers? This is only the first book and they've already overstayed their welcome. On the other hand, Jem and Tessa's reappearances are both understandable and super welcome because 1) Jem is Emma's relative. 2) He and Tessa were searching for the Lost Herondale, who- as it happens to be is Kit, the character introduced in the prologue and lives in Los Angeles.
On that note (not that last one, the one before it) I'm confused as to how exactly Jem and Emma are related. I'm just spitballing here but he may be her great uncle or something. But from what I recall, Jem either a) had no siblings or b) just didn't talk about his family members much in the Infernal Devices. My memory may be failing me, so please correct me if I'm wrong (it's not a challenge, I need to know)
Something Cassie seemed to have a problem with (or maybe she didn't) were the perspectives of the Blackthorn children in terms of age. For example, Tiberius is fifteen, but when his character is being narrated, I feel like he's still twelve or something. And I know Ty is... extraordinary, I just don't think his character was well-represented age-wise. The same could be said about Tavy (I'm sorry Cassie, I love you).
I fell for Jules so hard. He's the brooding artist in the novel and plays the role of the responsible adult that takes care of his fifty siblings. Who wouldn't? I felt so bad for him, the fact that he had to carry all burden for five years is unbearable to even think about. I blame Emma and Diana. Especially Emma. I mean, she lives with them for God's sake! How could she not have figured it out or at the very least help Julian? I can't believe she's that dense. Did she not go up to Uncle Arthur's (he's mentally and physically unstable, which makes him unfit to run the Institute) attic at a minimum, once? Wasn't she even a little suspicious or uneasy about the whole thing? I blame Diana because, although I know she genuinely cares for the Blackthorns and Emma, for some reason she can't get around to run the Institute herself. What is she hiding? My initial hypothesis is that she's a lycanthrope, which is not completely unreasonable because she "goes home" in the evenings and doesn't sleep at the Institute. What's her secret? I want to know!
The Blackthorns were a joy. Their interactions and conversations with each other were the best! One minute they would be discussing a serious topic, the next they'd get sidetracked to entirely different one. Emma was relaying the events of her trip to the Shadow Market (the Shadow World's equivalent of a black market) with her on and off boyfriend Cameron Ashford when suddenly:
To which Emma responded by reminding everyone that she hadn't finished her story. Hilarious! It reminds me so much of Jace, Alec and Izzy's bickering.
When Mark rejoined the family, it was as if he never left (interaction-wise). He had so much wit and blatant sarcasm to contribute. Mark, *sigh* oh Mark. When Iarlath and Kiernan, the two faerie envoys that came to negotiate with the Blackthorns about helping them out with the inexplicable murders happening around Los Angeles that also claimed Emma's parents, using Mark as leverage they knew the Blackthorns couldn't turn down, initially I had not idea who the hooded figure could be, but as the conversation went along I caught on figured it was Mark. That said, I still screamed out "What?!" when he revealed himself. His adjustment to the Shadowhunter/mundane world was at times humorous and other times sad. Humorous because what he grew to used to in Faerieland, didn't apply here.
"Right" is hardly the response I would use, but how exactly could you respond to something like that.
#legitimate reason
I was so weirded out by his behavior and justifications for them that I took to twitter.
(I know right? 1 Retweet and 1 Like? Seriously)
I was so caught off guard when Christina saw him and Kiernan together. I did not expect that one. It hit especially hard because I had hopes for Christina and Mark in becoming a couple, and they were just starting to get along really well too. They kind of remind me of Sophia and Gideon's relationship in the Infernal Devices. Don't get me wrong, I loved Kiernan and Mark's story, how they turned to each other because they didn't have anything else, but I hadn't expected it.
Now we turn to the real stars of this book, Emma and Julian.
Oh right, I know. How about the fact that this potential clusterf*ck could've been avoided if only they hadn't become freakin' parabatai in the first place! Even Tavy could've anticipated this. Who were the two idiots that fell in love, went mad + abused their power- which according to Jem is parabatai magic enhanced by romantic love (it didn't apply to Alec and Jace because it was unrequited)- and ruined it for everyone else?!?
And their romantic rendezvous! Talk about conspicuous! They were so ridiculously irresponsible. The beach? Really? They might as well have brought the Clave as an audience! It's like when Jace and Clary consummated their relationship in the demon dimension. Why? WHY? I don't understand, they're intelligent enough to solve the unsolvable mystery of murders, but not enough to take precautions, apparently. I wholeheartedly support this illegal relationship, but they need to not get themselves caught for me to actually have a relationship to support. I have a feeling they're going to get back together after Emma realizes that her "staged" relationship with Mark is getting her nowhere, that she still has feelings for Jules and they're going to get themselves in deep doo-doo and I'm going to come back to this review a year from now and comment I told you so.
Until then, Au revoir!
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