2.5 out of 5 stars
*The content of this anthology is explicit and appropriate for readers above a certain age and maturity.
When this collection of poems was first published, there was a lot of hype surrounding it. It made its way to all of the relevant bestselling lists and maintained its prestigious position for quiet a while. In fact, it might still be on some list. In my opinion, all of the hype and high placement was unwarranted. Frankly, I was a little disappointed. Initially, when I started the anthology, I was so put it out that I was itching to give it a star and a half. I felt that the most of the poems consisted of a series of words stringed together and made to seem thoughtful. The writing was sub-par and there were so many reoccuring themes and concepts that I felt like I was reading the same content over and over again, just reworded.
On the other hand, there were a few passages that I enjoyed reading and liked the feelings they elicited. The passages are presented below.
Favorite passages
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