Times I've Taken Fictional Characters' Advice

Tolkien's books are a treasure trove of quotes to live by. Lord of the Rings, in particular, is as much a guidebook for life as it is a story of fantastical adventure. So, naturally, when I read something that suspiciously sounds like advice, I heed it, because Tolkien knows best. Here are a few things I've learned through the voices of his characters:
This is particularly true of fears of things that are inevitable but aren't necessarily harmful and might even be good for an individual. Such fears often inhibit an individual from reaching his/her goal(s). Trust me on this one, I know. While I'm not inflexible and unyielding to change, I'm not its biggest fan. So this quote resonates with me.
Better to heed your heart than to take advice from Boromir, no matter how unreliable the former may be, basically.
Noted. Though I wouldn't do it anyway, because I'd rather not have the flesh melted off my bones in a blink of an eye, as Bofur would helpfully put it.
This a concept that may seem like common sense, but these days, I've noticed this is a recurring theme in the literature I've read for some reason. Is the universe trying to tell me something?
This particular message has been recycled and reiterated in many works throughout the course of history.


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