(No) Thank You, Next: An Unlamented Farewell + Post-Election Reflections

*DISCLAIMER*: 1) I try not discuss politically charged topics on the blog because I know they can be incredibly polarizing and I want to keep this space as light-hearted as possible, but this was something I wanted to respond to 2) I don't claim to be a particularly good writer, but this may be the silliest thing I have ever written (and I've been known to write some silly things). I know next to nothing about rhyme and lyrical composition. So, please don't judge too harshly. Most of this was jotted down in the spur of the moment, immediately after the Biden-Kamala win was called. It's by no means any good, but it was fun to write.

Also, as a brief point of reflection, I've seen a lot of likeminded people berate others for celebrating last night's win when both Biden and Kamala don't have the most pristine records as politicians. Many people- myself included- acknowledge that fact, but would much rather have this pair in charge than the blatantly self-serving, misogynistic, Neo-Nazi that currently occupies the White House. When we have a candidate in the running who plans to restrict relations with Israel, whose planks adopt moderately socialist views, claims to work for the betterment of all the world's citizens and genuinely has something to show for it, call me. For now though, we'll work with the cards we've been dealt and without further ado, I present (no) thank you next: an unlamented farewell.


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