Recommendations: If You Like This... Then Read This...

New Segment! This is when I recommend books to you based on what you've read. The books I'll be recommending will obviously be books I've read and enjoyed. It wouldn't make sense if I recommend books I haven't read and/or didn't like. This is what I'll do, I'll give a name of a book and say if you liked this...then read this one. For example, I'll use today's recommendation: If you like Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, then read Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, or vice versa. So, if you haven't read Pride and Prejudice an have read Little Women, then I recommend that too.

The reason I chose these books specifically is because I love them so much. As you guys may or may not know, I am obssessed with Mr. Darcy. He is one of my all-time favorite characters (and Colin Firth plays him in one the remakes, it just can't get any betterr than that!) So, I guess that's one of the reasons-certainly not the only reason-I chose to recommend this particular book, besides the fact that of course, its a great read. Little Women, on the other hand, was the book that got me into really reading books. I consider it to be my first read.

It was the summer of my 12th year. My dad took my siblings and I to Barnes and Noble to buy us some books to read during our time off school. He recommended this one to me and so I bought it. Part of the reason I gof it was because my dad had said that he read it for college and he really enjoyed it, so I felt proud that he was recommending a book to me, like I was his equal. Anyway, I read it while I was grounded (in our household, being grounded meant not being able to leave your room, with the exception of getting food and drink or the bathroom) and I loved it! It made my grounding (is that the word?) experience much more bearable.

And the reason I chose these two books together is because 1) both are incredible reads 2) both are classics (I love classics) 3) both take place a relatively long time ago (different from each other as well, in terms of time)

Pride and Prejudice takes place in 19th century England and follows the story of Elizabeth Bennet, the protagonist. This book addresses issues such as marriage, manners, morality, (or lack thereof *cough* Mr. Darcy *cough*) social class, and even education. While, Little Women is in late 1800's North America. This story is centered around four sisters: Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy March as they journey (or not) from childhood to womanhood. This book, unlike Pride and Prejudice which is based on the third-person perpective of Lizzy Bennett equally distributes attention to all four sisters and their different experiences. If you think either of these books or both are books that you would enjoy, I highly recommend that you read them. You will not be dissappointed (unless there's something wrong with you). 


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