Dear Dimitri,

First question: Why are you so perfect? You're a modest guy, so you'll most likely deny the perfection statement, but that's just one of the many reasons I (and about a million other girls) find you perfect. Let's continue with the list, shall we? 2) Your Russian accent. While reading the books I let my imagination conjure up your accent. But in the movie, I don't have to imagine anything, Danila Kozlovsky, the on-screen Dimitri nails the Russian accent (that may have to do with the fact that he is Russian) 3) Your shoulder-length hair. It's luscious and soft-looking. 4) Your duster jacket. Nothing is better than a man having his own signature article of clothing. 5) You read! It may just be Western novels that are your go-to books, but who cares, you read! Now how many fictional male characters can say that about themselves (besides Mr. Darcy and Will Herondale)? None. 6) You're mysterious. Who doesn't like a mysterious badass for a love interest? Nobody. 7) Your claims to fame are your strength and ability to kick-butt. 8) Suppressing feelings isn't your forte, but your attempts are cute and admirable. There are too many more things to list, but you get the point.
P.S- You stay perfect
*The man in the picture is Danila Kozlovsky, the actor who played Dimitri in the Vampire Academy movie: Blood Sisters. Isn't he glorious? (It's a rhetorical question that you can't even answer no to it in your mind)
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