While your going through the movies I've listed, you probably think: "Seriously, those are her favorite movies of all time?" So before you go on reading this post I feel I need to defend choice of films and preferences. I enjoy strange and usual movies. However, while I was editing this post, I did notice that a lot of these movies are ones without "happy endings", which is quite depressing, really. I mean what does that say about me? Nothing bad I hope.
I absolutely love love love this movie! Its so fast-paced, and puzzling. You have to watch it from the very beginning and follow along closely to really understand what's going on. Robert Downey Jr. is naturally funny and his role as Sherlock Holmes was incredible. Jared Harris, who plays the evil and conniving professor was also amazing. (F.Y.I, he also played Hodge in City of Bones movie.)
At first, I would always only watch bits and pieces of this movie, never really the entire thing. But when I finally got around to watching the whole film, I really enjoyed it. Who doesn't want to watch Bradley Cooper and the debatably already crazy (in the best way possible) Jennifer Lawrence play deranged people? I especially loved this movie because it portrays all of the characters as imperfect and a little insane themselves, which in my opinion, is the reality of life. Everyone has something about them that makes them abnormal and off their bonkers. In the case of this movie, Pat (Bradley Copper) and his obsession with getting back together with his wife, Tiffany (Jennifer Lawrence) and her depressingly poor social skills, Pat Sr. (Robert DeNiro) and his obsession with Philadelphia Eagles, etc. 

If I had to choose favorite animated movie, it would definitely be Brave. I love this movie because it tells a story about a princess who doesn't want to conform to the standards of what a princess is supposed to be. She constantly tries to explain to her queen mother that she isn't the average princess. I also love her triplet troublemaker brothers.
I've always loved the Pirates of the Caribbean series, but lately I've overly obsessed. I watched the first three (?) in one sitting. I cannot emphasize enough how much I love these movies, and At World's End is my favorite. I think that's because this one is the darkest out of the first three. That is truly troubling. I cannot wait for the fifth one to hit theaters next year. I think it's the film I'm most anticipating in 2017.
Yes, I realize that Keira Knightley and Jude Law are each in two of my favorite movies. But to be fair, they are arguably two actors that you just can't avoid (not that would want to, anyway). The first time, I watched this film, I was kind of weirded out by the way it's
presented, particularly the transition between scenes. But I still enjoyed it nonetheless. The story is that of a love affair gone horribly wrong. If you like movies with happy endings, then this definitely not for you. That's kind of what I like about it though. It doesn't give a pretense of happiness. The film is based on the book by Leo Tolstoy.
Do I even have to explain myself for this one? I love the world of Harry Potter, and I think it was pretty obvious that one of the movies on this list was going to be a Harry Potter movie. I chose Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban because Sirius Black in introduced in this one and he's one of my favorite characters (but that's a list for another day). This one was predictable.
The listed movies aren't in any particular order, but if they were, than the Hobbit would be up there. I watched this movie more times than I can count (trust me, I watched a lot), so much so that I've memorized more than half (if not all) of the movie's lines. I'm not even kidding, if someone held a movie script reciting competition, I would take the gold. It's full of action, adventure, and a dragon. What's not to like?
Admittedly, I watched this movie only once.... about two weeks ago, but I loved it! I love Matt Damon and Heath Ledger's (who are brothers in the film) relationship and interactions. It's funny and cute. And Lena Heady stars in it as well so, I think that in of itself is enough of a reason.

You're probably looking at this one and looking at your device screen thinking "Really?", but I really do love U.S Marshals. When I initially thought about writing this post, this movie was one of the first movies I thought to put on the list. I didn't hesitate at all. I'm not even embarrassed to admit that I love it and Tommy Lee Jones. In fact, I debated with myself over whether or not I should put Double Jeopardy on the list too, but in the end I decided against it because of the last movie on the list. I'm particularly fond of this one because its action-packed, and unpredictable. Just when you think something is about to happen, another thing happens.
So, that's a list of 10 of my favorite movies of all time (thus far), and I noticed that to me "all time" has a range of about 10-15 years.
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