I'M BACK!!! After what seems like an eternity, I'm back on the blog! So -in recognition of that fact- the first post I publish after two whole months of absence is, appropriately, The Unfortunate Confessions of a Book Blogger.
Confession #1- As it occasionally and inevitably happens with all of my hobbies, I sometimes fall into what I call a "blogging slump", which is not unlike a reading slump. In these "blogging slumps" I generally feel unmotivated and uninspired by my temporary inability to think of new and creative ideas for posts on the blog. I LOVE book blogging, however, I think the said lack of motivation and inspiration stems from the fact that I feel obliged to be consistent and frequent with publishing fresh content on the blog. That might not be the worse thing, but it inhibits me from doing what I love to do. I love reading, I love sharing my thoughts on the books I read with my fellow readers, and I love getting people who don't read for leisure to do so. Here's a moderately interesting fact: My younger brother now reads for fun because he loved a book I recommended to him (Wanna guess what that book is? Read to the end of this post to find out!)

Confession #2- The number of visitors (unique or otherwise) I see on the statistics of the blog can be quite discouraging at times. Mind you, I'm not one to dwell on the number of subscribers or visitors I have on my blog, but I sometimes wonder why I recommend the books I do when I hardly have anyone to recommend them to. Fortunately, these negative thoughts don't go far. For instance, I never even considered the discontinuation of publishing posts on the blog, but I would rather not think such thoughts. My blogging experience would be significantly better if I don't.
Confession #3- Reading slumps can potentially be problematic for my blog. Being stuck in a reading slump means I read fewer books than I normally would read, if any at all. Reading fewer books means I don't have many options for what to post. Sure, I might have numerous alternatives to a book review post such as Typography Tuesday, If You Read This... You Should Read This..., and Open Letters, but these posts have designated days on which they can be published. Besides, reading new and often different books sparks up the creativity in me, and creativity is an essential ingredient for what might be an interesting and fun blog.
Confession #4- I'm a very picky reader. My favorite genre is Fantasy and I don't always venture beyond that. Sad to say, I know. As much I love to read, I'm very particular with what I pick up for fear of reading a book that I genuinely don't like and feeling like I wasted my (valuable) time. You may be asking yourself: what does this have to do with Fantasy being your genre? The answer to that very reasonable question, my fellow reader, is that it's not often I come read a Fantastic book that I don't enjoy at least a little (and the exceptions are really bad, let me tell you) Also, I really don't give heed to reviews. I enjoy watching and reading reviewers' opinions on books but honestly, that doesn't usually make me want to read a book any more or any less. If, on the other hand, everyone says that a certain book is terrible and unenjoyable, then I listen. This is because I often find that some of the books I've read and thoroughly enjoyed in the past fall victim to harsh criticism. If I don't start now, one of my bookish New Years Resolutions would be to effectively (I have previously tried and subsequently failed) broaden my reading spectrum.
*The book I recommended to my brother was Red Rising by Pierce Brown
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