5 out of 5 stars!
A five-star rating from Islam Ahmed? What a feat! It must be the greatest book ever written, right? Umm, surely not the best book ever written, but certainly one of my favorites. In fact, out of all of the Mortal Instruments books, I believe City of Glass is my favorite. This is where everything finally comes to a head, Valentine finally attempts to make good on his promises and attempts to eradicate the defiant population of Shadowhunters that refuse to follow him. The first time I read CoG was back in 2012, I think I was going into my sophomore year of high school. I was plowing through the series, I really enjoyed the first two books. If City of Fallen Angels hadn't been released prior to my reading CoG, I would have assumed it was the last book in the series (which would make it a trilogy) because of the way it ended. But then again, there was the case of Sebastian's missing body so I guess it only makes sense that there be a fourth book. The five-star rating I'm giving this book is based on my initial reaction after having finished it.
As usual, Cassie's writing is wonderful and the world-building and scene weaving are awesome! Just one question: why are her characters always tired? Surely they sleep even when Cassie doesn't write a nap into a scene. You'd think ever-weary Luke never sleeps because of all of the times "Luke looked tired" appeared in City of Glass. CoG is amazing! If you haven't read it yet, I strongly suggest that you do!
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