So, another year has flown by. Strangely, 2018 has, simultaneously, been both uneventful and the most stressful year of my life. What with school, the uncertainty of my future, and the lack of motivation to do much of anything save for watching tv shows and Youtube videos. Instead of rehashing the happenings of the past year, I'll just briefly list my general goals for the upcoming year.
Undertake more involved and elaborate hobbies: I realized very recently that barring reading books and blogging, I don't currently have many hobbies that require much effort, let alone hobbies that take place outdoors. And I constantly find myself wanting to engage in activities that get my mind off of school work. As such, one of my top goals for this year is to take on more hobbies, especially sporty-outdoorsy hobbies. I was thinking figure skating or fencing, the former being the more exciting and therefore (strictly for that reason) the more likely of the two to actually become a pastime.
Second, Graduate with a Master's degree in Neuroscience this Spring. For those who may not know, I'm presently in grad school at Columbia University, have been having a time of it and I just want to graduate already. This one, however, is more of an inevitability than a goal, really (wow, confident, aren't I?). I just want to be over and done with school. For now, anyway.
Actually complete my reading challenge goddammit. To the best of my memory, I don't believe I've completed any of the reading challenges I set for myself, to date. This is especially sad because I painstakingly try to read the number of books I say I would read for the year...but I don't. I'm very boLD this year and setting a super high goal of 50 books to read.
Be more involved in my general community. I've always wanted to consistently do volunteer work and be involved with organizations that provide aid to those who are less fortunate in the U.S and overseas. I have volunteered before, but have not done so as consistently as I would like.
I think that's all there is. I'm determined to achieve/meet all of the aforementioned goals and will check back at the end of the year to let you all know that I have!
This podcast is clearly not for everyone. The show consists of the ramblings of two British die-hard Star Wars fans. But even similarly dedicated fans might not be as entranced by the contents of this show as I am. They mostly laugh at nothing and are very easily side-tracked, but when they talk Star Wars, they discuss the shite out of it.

Oh my God, you guys, this show. I only very recently go on the 99 train and I'm so glad I did! This is show is everything. It's hil-arious, heart-warming, and the most diverse show I have ever watched. I'm ecstatic that it was picked up by NBC and renewed for season six (which has since aired) Highly recommend!
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