I know I'm super late with this post, but I've been trying to do this season justice. Season six of GoT ended months ago, but I am still in awe, shock, and a range of different emotions that ensure I am definitely
NOT over it and won't be for another year or so, just in time for season seven. Unless, the rumors are true and season premier will be delayed another month or so, in which case I will not be okay for another year and a half.
This season was arguably the best season of any series. People have argued that the series finale was the best since Lost, but since I haven't watched Lost I can't back up the claim. But I will say that the last two episodes of season six have confirmed that GoT is
the b
est show there is and quite possibly will ever be. Period.
Pre- Season 6:
Me: "I'm ready, I'm ready. I'M READY!"
Post- Season 6:
Me: *Left utterly speechless*
After the tragic death of Hordor and the revelation that the reason Hordor only says "Hordor" is because of Bran's interference with the past, Benjen Stark, Bran's long lost uncle aids Bran and Meera in temporarily delaying the White Walkers' inevitable attack on Westeros. Instead of killing an actress she was closely watching like she was ordered to, Arya warns her that she a fellow actress has wished her dead, the Waif was then ordered to dispatch of her. Tommen demotes Jamie from his position as the leader of the King's guard after he attempts to spare Margaery from the High Sparrow, who had- by then- already converted to the Faith.

The start of this episode was one of my favorite moments this season. In it we learn that the Hound is in fact, alive, something I suspected to be true for a while. He's found honest work with a small village-in-progress number of people. The people are a hardworking and all-around good people, which is REALLY saying something for this show. For the first five minutes or so, I pretended that all was well in Westeros...until three men from the Brotherhood Without Banners show up. They slaughter everyone in the village, save for the Hound who was busy chopping wood for fires and such. The Hound eventually goes heads back to the village and sees what had been done. He knows exactly who was responsible and confronts the three men and kills them (they had shown up earlier that same day). In Braavos, Arya is attacked and stabbed by the Waif, she apparently "kills" the Waif while sporting multiple stabs in her abdomen. I'm not so sure I believe that, but that's a discussion for another day (look out for a crackpot theories post in the coming months, ideally a few weeks before the premier of season 7).

Trial by combat, a long standing ritual throughout Westeros is banned by Tommen. In its place he sets trials by faith, which as we all know, does not bode well for the majority of Westrosians, particularly Cersei. At Riverrun, Brienne tries to convince Brynden "Blackfish" Tully to surrender after she promises Jamie that she will get Tullys to do so. Her attempt is a failed one, as a result, Jamie threatens to kill a captured Edmure Tully's son. Emdure, perceived to be the true powers that be in Riverrun, is obeyed when he tells his soldiers to stand down. Blackfish vehemently urges that the soldiers to fight to protect Riverrun. In the end, the soldiers- more loyal to Edmure than his elder- surrender and open the gates for Jamie and his force. Brienne and Pod narrowly escape. In this episode, I was convinced Jamie reciprocated Brienne's feelings for him. They like each other, but refuse to act on their feelings. Tyrion plays the role of temporary ruler in Daenerys's stead, who returns just as the city is under attack by slavers who do not approve of the abolishment of slavery.

Woo! This here is the episode we were all waiting for: the ultimate demise of Ramsay Bolton, the most hated character since King Joffrey. But, prior to the Battle, Daenerys tries to come to terms with the slavers in Meereen. They, of course, refuse her offer so she burns down their entire fleet by dragon fire and permanently establishes her rule. You can be sure nobody's going to even think of crossing her again. In Meereen at least. The rest of the world hasn't yet had the privilege (more great disadvantage, really) to see what she's capable of. Even, Theon and Yara Greyjoy swear an oath of allegiance to her. Yara even hints that she wouldn't mind